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Conservation Commission Minutes 6/9/15
Town of Monterey, Massachusetts
MEETING DATE: June 9, 2015
Present: Timothy Lovett, David Dempsey, Christopher Blair, Pat Edelstein and Dennis Lynch
The meeting convened at 6:00p.m.

Rodriguez/Salomon – RDA 10 Sylvan Rd - to extend the existing south facing window wall and expand east facing deck (T. Lovett is the project manager)
Paul Clark was present representing the applicants and their proposed project which has received a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals.  The Commission approved the project as a N3 with the condition that any disturbed areas need to be seeded and mulched.

Blaskey – RDA 578 Main Rd - to remove an existing shed and rebuild accessory bldg. with a full foundation, water and sewer (P. Edelstein is the project manager)
Mike Parsons of Kelly Granger and Parsons, the designer and contractor were present to review the proposed project.  There is an intermittent stream and a BVW on the property but most all of the project falls outside of the purview of the Commission with the exception of running the new sewer line and one corner of the building.  The project was approved as submitted as a N3 with the condition to seed and mulch as per application.

Schmidt – RDA 22 Bidwell Rd – construct a new L-shaped dock (D. Lynch is the project manager)
Matt Puntin of SK Design Group was present to review the construction proposal.  There were concerns about the proximity of the proposed dock to spawning beds as well as the width of the dock; the Commission would prefer it be 4ft wide instead of 5.  A revised plan will be sent to the Commission.  The Commission approved the revised project as a N2.

For Discussion:
1.  Mail was reviewed.
2.  Interested parties for 16 Point Rd came in to discuss work that began without the proper protocols in place.  Trees were removed that were not listed on the approved plans.  Everyone involved will hold additional meetings prior to any more work being done and a revised plane which will show replacement plantings on it will be resubmitted.  This OOC will also need to be amended to reflect the current owners.  The applicant will need to submit a request to amend the current OOC to change the names on the application from the previous owners to the current owners.
3.  The Commission reviewed the 22 Bidwell Rd ZBA application and determined the following: The Commission has determined that the project as proposed does not appear do fall under the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act and falls below the thresholds for the Scenic Mountain Act.  This will be reviewed further when the applicant applies for their building permit and submits the Conservation Commission Project Review form.
4.  The Commission reviewed the Northwest Cove Rd ZBA application and determined the following:  The Commission has determined that the applicant will need to file with the Conservation Commission prior to obtaining a building permit.
5.  Chris informed the Commission that he will be resigning from the Commission and that the July 14th meeting will be his last meeting as he no longer can devote the time necessary.  Chris noted that M. Noe provides a great deal of administrative support and if the commissioners have any questions with regards to the regulations Mark Stinson at the DEP is a great resource.  Chris stated that he will still be available to the Commission for the occasional question.  Tim noted that he will also be leaving the Commission soon but he doesn’t have a definitive date yet.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

Submitted by: Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
cc: Conservation Commission Board Members